3/14/10 · The reason why TwoFace was so easy to draw is because his physic was so boxy Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one All you need to do here is draw out his legs, shoes, and of course his two headed silver dollar7/17/06 · To draw a human face, start by drawing an oval that's a little bit wider at the top Then, divide the oval in half both ways by drawing a horizontal and vertical line Next, draw 2 almond shapes on the horizontal line to make the eyes, and draw a nose so the bottom of the nose is halfway between the eyes and the chinIsaac Newton once said, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants" Although I can't say I have seen further, I have certainly had the privilege of standing on the shoulder of giants Everything I know I've learned from someone else And this course is a product of a combination of my own personal experience, the things I've learned from all my teachers Hand Drawing Girl Face ...